May 14th Journal Topic

Who do I trust and Who I don’t , wow that’s actually a good and easy topic for me to talk about the amount of people that I trust is very rare for me because I do not trust anyone. Throughout this pandemic my group of friends has gotten so much smaller it’s so insane how many people I thought that were my friends - I can probably say I trust 2 amazing friends of mine and that they are the only ones I have can a conversation with everyday. One of them is my best friend Julissa I met her last year when I had moved to Santa Maria High , she was a very welcoming & so nice to me and we instantly clicked when i got to know her more. One thing we always joked around about is that the reason why we’re so close is because of our zodiac signs. We’re both Gemini’s and her birthday is actually only 9 days ahead of mine but the point is she earned my trust - I have had my guard up with so many people and she was one of the few that made it easy for me to open up same thing with the friend I’m going to talk about soon.
Julissa is literally one of those friends where I can call her when I have crisis or whatsoever. She’s my best friend and I’m glad I have her around and have met her. Whenever,  I meet someone new it’s so hard for me to trust or to have a conversation with them because in this generation now a days you seriously just don’t know who is genuine and who isn’t. For example , many people often use you to find out things yenno but it was different with her because the more I got to hangout with her and the more I was able to open up to her she is someone I trust a lot and is my go to person.
However, there is another person who I recently met a couple months ago this person he is very a sweet & nice friend of mine - I actually met him through an ex boyfriend and I never thought in a million years I would have a connection or friendship with him. It was probably a blessing in disguise  because we had a class for half of the year and if I’m being honest I never really acknowledged him but after winter break - I got to know him and honestly, this person is someone that never judged me for my past or anything. He quickly got my trust - he is definitely someone who was always there for me when I needed someone. He has such an amazing heart and personality we hung out a couple of times and the more I was able to get to know him and see how he is as a person & hearing his stories , past , & sports it was very interesting because you can just see how much potential this person as.
He is someone that was very easy for me open up and easily trust I cannot be anymore thankful enough for having these two amazing people in my life. Those are my two friends that I consider true friends and who I trust with so much & everything. Other people I of course trust is my parents and sister - they are people I love and adore so much - they have been there for me since day 1 so - but sometimes it is hard to trust them because you don’t know or how they’re gonna react to something you wanna be open about because you may get a reaction you don’t want but not only that but your friends and family tend to have different perspectives so it’s iffy sometimes but my family is always there for me there as well. However,  People who I do not trust at all are people I hangout with - in my group yes I may hangout with them but some of those people are very nosy and like to say things & especially twist things around & love to create drama sometimes. If I’m being honest it’s not just them either , it’s with everyone. Including family members who I don’t normally get along with so that’s why I keep my circle very very small and reason being is because of my past.


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