I care about your Understanding

Many people in this world , generation , & old generation always have tried to be understood by one another. One thing I know for a fact will be racism, people who were picked about their skin color weren’t ever understood by anyone. People back then & now , were not understood that color is just a color , I don’t understand why people made such a big deal about it. All of us are humans, we all have organisms, a heart, blood & flesh. We’re all the same but different color , people who didn’t understand that we’re not good people to me. We all have blood in us , just because we have different color means we have to rude to one another ? No , racism needs to be stopped. It’s not okay and never will be okay. We all have our rights & there should never be racism in this world. All of us have a purpose to be here and for people to give each other a hard time , will never be okay to me in my opinion. We should all have a understanding and be good and just respect each other. There is no need for violence and racism.


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